Dry eyes are a very common disease. This is a condition in which the amount of tears is insufficient to nourish and moisturize the eye surface. Dry eye disease can also be found in all genders and all ages. And although most symptoms of dry eyes are not severe, But it can cause problems and create quite a bit of annoyance in everyday life. Which, if left for a long time, can cause chronic inflammation that can create a risk of blindness as well. Today, we would like to present a method for treating dry eyes so that women can use them to take care of themselves when dealing with dry eyes.
1. Artificial tears containing preservatives
Artificial tears that contain preservatives are one of the treatments that doctors recommend to moisturize the eyes. This group of artificial tears should be used no more than 4 times a day, morning, noon, evening and before bedtime. It is an ideal treatment for mild dry eye symptoms. However, in the group of artificial tears that contain preservatives, many types of preservatives are used. Some of which will dissipate when exposed to the eyes or light.
2. Artificial tears without preservatives
In terms of artificial tears, the group that does not contain preservatives Doctors often recommend it. Throughout the day in ทางเข้า ufabet https://ufabet999.com cases of very dry eyes This group of artificial tears looks like a small tube. Once opened, it will only last for 24 hours. The bottle has a special valve system. They can be used for up to 6 months. These artificial tears can be used as often as needed, or every 1-2 hours, and are suitable for people with very severe dry eye symptoms. Including general dry eye people can use it as well.
3. Stimulant drugs cause tears.
Tear stimulant drugs or secretogogues such as Diquafosol are drugs that increase the production of tears in the mucus layer and aqueous layer.
4. Medicine to reduce inflammation of the eyelids
As for medicines that help reduce inflammation of the eyelids It will be drugs such as the antibiotic Doxycycline, etc.
5. Steroids are medicines that reduce eye inflammation.
Steroids are medicines that help reduce inflammation of the eye surface. In cases where the eye surface is inflamed due to dry eyes
6.Immunosuppression drugs
for immune-suppressing drugs Also known as Immunosuppressant It is a drop type, such as Cyclosporine drops, which helps reduce inflammation. Helps increase the amount of tears and helps reduce symptoms of dry eyes
7. Clean your eyelids and apply a warm compress.
How to treat dry eyes by cleaning the eyelids and applying warm compresses Also known as Warm Compression and Lid Hygiene, this can be done by diluting baby shampoo. Or you may use eyelid cleaning products specifically to clean your eyelids. This method will help reduce the symptoms of clogged eyelid sebaceous glands. It also helps improve the fat content of the tears.
8.Autologous Serum
This method is a way to treat severe dry eyes. This will help reduce inflammation of cells and tissues. Because there are substances that help in the recovery of tissues to normal. The doctor will draw the patient’s blood, spin it and separate it to prepare serum, which will then be instilled together with artificial tears.
9. Blocking of tear drainage pipes
In terms of using the tear drainage method Also known as a Punctual Plug, it blocks the area where tears flow out into the nasal cavity. There will be both temporary and permanent fillings. The doctor will insert a Silicone Plug or Punctual Cautery by pricking the area where tears drain from the eye. It is a blockage of the tear outflow area, a condition in people with very severe dry eye symptoms.
It can be seen that there are many ways to treat dry eyes. The doctor will recommend treatment based on the severity of the symptoms. However, if you know that you are in a condition of having dry eyes. You should see a doctor immediately to receive proper treatment. Shouldn’t be left for long. Because that may cause an unavoidable risk of blindness.